So, here it is guys. I'm due to get out of the NAVY in about ten months, and i dont know what to do about my situation. i dont know how much it would cost to ship it home (to Texas) but i'm gonna guess it's gonna be somewhere around $900. My other option is to try and sell it up here and pay off the loan just to get another vehicle when i eventually get to Texas. It Blue books' at around 10,000 buckaroos, but there is stuff that cant be taken into acount by the generic options given by KBB. Like the Bent bumber, or the ripped out carpet or the death wobble. how you guys do it, and if you say sell it, how much would ya'll offer it up for to (a) someone who is well versed in jeeps and other general mechanical knowledge areas, and (b) to someone who doesn't know jac crap about jeeps except that they go in that direction and have four wheels on the ground. Hit me up, soon. Thanks.