Not to get all literal on everyone...but does anyone even know where that phrase came from?? *Just grins* lemme enlighten you all....
Fo' shizzle ma' nizzle" is a bastardization of "fo' sheezy mah neezy" which is a bastardization of "for sure mah n***a" which is a bastardization of "I concur with you whole-heartedly my African American brother"
It's actually in the Urban Dictionary LOL. Kinda one of those things CA tried passing through legislature....when the "Ebonix movement" started. Yeah, it didn't pass.
*grins* ok new game - actually put up WORDS and their orgins or meanings? LOL.
Like (this is just for you Doball, Hot-Rod

O-Snap! defined as:
- used to show excitment or enthusiasm in a time of utter hilariousness.
- another slang option for people that say "OOO!!!" when something mad crazy happens.
- another option instead of saying o-sit son
- a expression that should never be said again, mainly due to the fact that it is retarted and overused by white people