As a club, I would like to get some PR by volunteering at the racetrack at Waterford. would be an opportunity to reach a larger audience,
possibly get in at a reduced rate, and open this avenue as a possible higher attention level cruise night at a later date. I would like to offer this opportunity to OSJ also. I spoke with an admin over at the 'bowl and he satated that our help on race day would be appreciated, and that a "show" of our rigs might be possible, parking them near the ticket booth.
What I need are the names people who might be interested in working there on a few Saturdays. Looking at the shcedule the pits probably open at noon or 1 pm and regular days. I would also like proposed dates you want to do this. Opening day is Sat Apr 12, with racing Sun Apr 13, which are open on our calendar. This is a great opportunity to network with some local services that apply to our hobby. If this turns out well I'll take this over to EC4WDA and see if we can get some involvment from other clubs, at least for the cruise night portion.
So, discussion and sign-up's Go.