Author Topic: Remember the Trail Whale? Old videos.  (Read 2344 times)

Offline Mreecew

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Remember the Trail Whale? Old videos.
« on: December 31, 2013, 10:16:00 PM »
Was going through youtube and facebook today and found some old videos of my f150 throughout its life.

Before the solid axle.

The first time wheeling it.

Same day

Getting to be the first person to go up Ed's rock. (Same obstacle that killed eds xj  :( )

That same day leaving the trail

Going up that last spot

Breaking the ttb front end for the first and last time.

After that I did the sas

First time wheeling with the solid axle.

Going up what we called the cherokee trail because the rocks were so tight together I never wanted to try it (that was before I let the body go)

Later that day I blew up my power steering pump, both front axle shafts and drivers side balljoints and bent the driverside knuckle.