Break-Tons- of -Crap lived up to its name.

I damaged my passenger side fender a little, but the bottom of my Jeep took a beating. My oil pan is really dented bad, and is leaking a little.

I ordered a new one today and with a new gasket is was $105 from advance and won't be here until Thursday. I also dented my exhaust where is passes under the tranny in front on the skid plate. My Tranny skid is dented up a little and my Gas tank skid had a good size dent too.
I am looking into making an engine skid to solve the oil pan and exhaust problem in the future. I like the design from Skid Row, so I think I will base my design on theirs. I was going to move a locker to the top of my list, but I think a BL and MML as well as a TT and a stronger gas tank skid are going to take priority.
On the bright side the 8.8 was beat on pretty hard and besides a few scratches it worked great. The Dana 30 held up fine too after the added parts. My tie rod flip kit showed up today, so that is going on soon too.