
The Mud Pit => General => Topic started by: BayouGold on February 07, 2009, 01:02:14 AM

Title: Shameful
Post by: BayouGold on February 07, 2009, 01:02:14 AM
So charges were DROPPED against the mastermind of the USS COLE bombing (who was also involved in a U.S. embassy bombing in 98) because some of the information gathered from him came from waterboarding? 17 sailors died because of this maniac & they are more concerned with his rights than the families & memories of the FELLOW AMERICANS whose lives this mf took. DISGRACEFUL. >:(
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: Axle on February 07, 2009, 02:18:30 AM
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: calvynandhobbs on February 07, 2009, 02:42:21 AM
That's just another example of our fine justice system. As far as I'm concerned, when someone has performed a crime like this they should have no rights.
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: rocket on February 07, 2009, 02:45:01 AM
I concur w/ all that!  but there is still hope (not nobama hope), the charges were dropped w/o prejeduce, which means charges can still be brough against the SOB again.
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: PaulW on February 07, 2009, 04:55:27 PM
Maybe a public spanking??  leave him bare assed in a stockade in times square and sell tickets.  5 spankings for $10 or something like that.  That'll teach him!
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: zjorvis97 on February 07, 2009, 11:14:48 PM
And people get sent to prison for lighting a joint... wow, glad to know our country is ran by a bunch of pussys.
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: ToxicTurtle on February 09, 2009, 01:18:22 AM
Can you say L I B E R A L.. ?  ::) >:(
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: mallcrawl on February 10, 2009, 08:46:51 PM
gee yes cause admitin evidence etracted by torture always gets the guilty guy, I mean who could imagine someone saying what he thinks you might want to hear so you don't make him think he's drowning for anther half hour

my point is simple if we aren't better than that then we have nothing to defend
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: BayouGold on February 10, 2009, 09:19:24 PM
gee yes cause admitin evidence etracted by torture always gets the guilty guy, I mean who could imagine someone saying what he thinks you might want to hear so you don't make him think he's drowning for anther half hour

my point is simple if we aren't better than that then we have nothing to defend
c'mon bryce. the statements extracted during those interrogations LED TO THE WHEREABOUTS & SUSEQUENT CAPTURE OF al queda's #2 man kalid shiek muhammed. UNDISPUTIBLE FACTS.
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: PaulW on February 10, 2009, 10:49:54 PM
i still like the idea of public humiliation!
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: mallcrawl on February 10, 2009, 11:55:33 PM

c'mon bryce. the statements extracted during those interrogations LED TO THE WHEREABOUTS & SUSEQUENT CAPTURE OF al queda's #2 man kalid shiek muhammed. UNDISPUTIBLE FACTS.

torture is not a door I can tolerate being opened not is my enlistment oath meant anything

Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: rocket on February 11, 2009, 01:20:53 AM
what do you define as tourture?  Is tourture of one person worth saving multiples of people?
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: PaulW on February 11, 2009, 01:51:08 AM
what do you define as tourture?  Is tourture of one person worth saving multiples of people?

i dont think we should torture em, just public humilation
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: BayouGold on February 11, 2009, 03:04:51 AM
I think they should all be wiped off the face of the planet. Period. Mass Murderers. Beheading journalists & contractors on camera?!? Maniacs like that do not deserve to be treated as human.  >:(
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: mallcrawl on February 11, 2009, 10:21:36 PM
Is tourture of one person worth saving multiples of people?

Never! thats the sort of resoning Stalin used
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: rocket on February 11, 2009, 11:02:02 PM
Whoa, dude!  Stalin may have announced that to the public he massicered, but we are not Stalin!  There is a HUGE difference between the tourtue/murder he did vice the mild tourture (if you can call waterboarding tourture) we do to save lives.
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: Swagger on February 12, 2009, 07:42:14 PM
Non the less. torture is still torture.  BUT... i dont give a damn, i speak for me and me alone in saying, if it takes alittle bit of "inhumane" treatment to find out the facts needed to stop another USS Cole, WTC, or US embassy attack from happening some where else at who knows what scale of destruction, then SO BE IT.  November 14th, 2005, LCpl Christopher McCrackin, 1st Marine expiditionary forces, 2nd battalion, a husband, father, son, brother, and my best friend, was killed when an Improvised explosive device was detonated next to his humvee.  I personally see no need why we as the fighting force, should show any sort of civility and mercy in reactions to things such as these.  the entire region would be better off as a glass parking lot, than an inhabited sesspool, that plays harbour for some of the most wretched, undeserving human beings in known history.  We should pull out our boys today, send in the nukes tomorrow.  If not that approach, then try the good 'ol WWII battle plan. ADVANCE< DESTROY<CONQUER.  Then leave whats left for the surviving few citizens, and dogs to fight over.  If the Dogs come out victorious, then it was meant to be. So, long story short, If it takes pulling some guys fingernails off to find out where the jihad are holding our reporters or when the next big boom is gonna be, it looks like Mr. Dirka Dirka Muhammed jihad al jasir is gonna be in for quite a hurtin.

All right now.   LET ME HAVE IT.. 8 >:(
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: rocket on February 12, 2009, 09:17:38 PM
Dude, I'm sorry that you lost a friend.  A close friend of mine is suffering sevear PSTD from his time over there (and he converted from navy to army, so he could serve his country!)
Title: Re: Shameful
Post by: mallcrawl on February 13, 2009, 01:32:29 AM
Non the less. torture is still torture.  BUT... i dont give a damn,
All right now.   LET ME HAVE IT.. 8 >:(

you I have no beef with.  I think you have it backwards but only because I was raised that the ends don't justify the means

what make me angry is everyone who wants to claim that we have not been doing wrong in the search for expediency.

my other point is simple, you canont rid the world of torture and violence by using torture and violence no matter how good your intentions are it doesn't work.