The Mud Pit => General => Topic started by: calvynandhobbs on January 30, 2009, 03:31:52 AM
I just noticed the avitar for one of my friends and it has this saying in it:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the impossible trails I can not crawl; the courage to crawl the twisted trails I can and the wisdom to keep tire side down.
This is a saying I saw a long time ago, but had to look up since I had forgotten it.
Yea, though I Rock Crawl through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no trail; for thou art modified; thy rig and thy lockers they comfort me!
I think Rich put that on the back of membership cards he made a while ago.
My prayers are usually muttered at last minute right before the rig goes over, it's more like "Lord I haven't made my insurance payment yet, help me no to total it."
They are in the photobucket account and also posted somewhere. And yes they are on the back of the membership cards. And under my sun visors...
That's cool. I figured these sayings had been around, but I didn't go back in time on the forums from before I joined the club.
That's cool. I figured these sayings had been around, but I didn't go back in time on the forums from before I joined the club.