The Mud Pit => Vids and Pics => Topic started by: PaulW on January 23, 2009, 09:12:48 PM
oops :D
work in progress to cover a stupid turtle.
WTF ???
WTF ???
WTF ???
He's asking who has tattoos. Pictures anybody?
I've got 6 and soon 2 more to add. I don't have any pics that I know of at this time but I will look. Maybe I do, if not I may have to take some.
put up the pics, it's always fun to share. one i did for my little girl...
got drunk after watching ghost rider and somehow ended up with this on my leg afterwards.
No pics, but I have two. My plan is to add one every time I make it to Sturgis for Bike Week. I don't know when I am going to make it back again, so I may be stuck on two for a while.
No pics, but I have two. My plan is to add one every time I make it to Sturgis for Bike Week. I don't know when I am going to make it back again, so I may be stuck on two for a while.
let me know if you make it this year. I may finally have my spotster back together this year in order to go. do you ride up, or trailer (if you have a bike).
one i got years ago, was probably spontanieous again :D
I've got one. But i don't know how to add pictures
I've got one. But i don't know how to add pictures
You can dump em in photo bucket and them copy the link under the photo.