I love to shoot, my wife shoots as well as I do. I have my springfield 67E 12 gauge, Mossburg 500 .410 and an old ruger 10/22 up here. I left my skeet thrower back in KS with a brand new box of blue rock. If someone has a thrower I'd buy a couple boxes of bluerock. If not... I may be convinced to purchase a new one.
now, for the hand gun permit, I'd really like to get one, but it will depend on how cheap cheap is. I don't plan on buying a handgun anytime soon. (pump action shotguns are a much more effective deterant)

Just tell me when and where we are going and I'll be there (save duty) Shooting skeet Is one of three things I enjoy more than off roading 1. sex; 2.fishing/hunting; 3.shooting skeet 4. Wheeling (because I know someone will ask)
I have 6 acres in KS we can shoot on if anyone is interested in a road trip... good stoping point on the way to Moab