Ok, so mostly everyone knows Sarah, the YJ of all YJ's. Everyone know's the hard work and time I have put into her... and follow on plans for her, along with the fact that I haven't seen her in over a year at this point...
That being said.... I called Duantless the other day to get a status on her, see if there were any issues after the de-winterizing and initial startup. Well, here's the list.
- Yellow top Optima reversed polarity (showing -8vdc)
- Overheating like a big dog after 5-7 minutes at idle. (Mind you the t-stat is removed) Fan running, fluid full, pressure in system.
- Registration sticker never made it there from Louisiana.
Among other things that I can't remember right now. Not too bad for sitting for almost a year, I think. What do the rest of you think about the over heating thing, I'm thinking that the stock water pump isn't cutting it. I had a small issue with over heating when I was driving it (hense pulling the t-stat.) The radiator was brand spankin new, water pump same. The both of them only have maybe 1000mile on them... if that.