I have some issues w/ the hypermiling artical. I"ll explain what i do and why it is perfecly safe.
EOC (engine off coastin). I simply push in the clutch, turn the key to off and back on. free miles down the many steep hills. I only do it on hills where i can maintain speed or accelerate by gravity alone. I don't have power steering, so i loose no control. when i need to start the car, i just 'bump start' it by momentarly releasing the clutch. I also EOC to a red light.
Stop signs: i roll thourgh if there is no one there, sometimes in 3rd. if i have to stop, i do, but usually i can at least creep through the light
drive 5-10mph below limit: I only do this on 4 lane roads where cars can go around (and i STILL pass people slower than me!), i do at least 45-55 on 2 lane roads.
Engine off at red lights: only takes the amount of gas burned in .2 sec idleing to restart, plus so many people are slwo to recognize a green (i'm not) so i'm gone before they realize its their turn to go
Weight: i dont' cary as much tools/fluids/parts as i normally would. If i do breakdown, roadside assist will tow me home
areo mods: none yet, but i plan on under-belly pan, partial grill block, and removal of mud flaps
pulse and glide: i dont' do that, too annoying
drafting: only at 2 car lenghts, if i'm lucky enough to find a truck slow enough
maintaining speed thorugh sharp turns: the only ones i do are freeway excanges. i can maintain 60mph on one of them in my truck no prob, and the car handles better. the other one i can do 40-45 in the truck, same w/ car
hyperinflating tires: this refers to inflating to side-wall pressure (which is above what each owners manual says). still w/in the limit of the tire
mpg gage: gonna get a scangage II (only about $150) some day. can track trip, tank, and instant mpg, plus it reads codes, displays any info a gage will (temps, pressures, speed, rpm, etc)
SA: follow far enough behind and get good at predicting what other drivers will do (i got good when i would street race my camero). you can gradualy slow to a higher end speed than if you wait and slam on the brakes
tune up: enough said
synthetic oil: not only does royal purple last 12k miles, it saves money over all on oil over the milage and reduces friction therefore more power/mpgs
parking: try to pull through so you face out, or back into the spot while parking. that way when you start up, you have less driving while cold
A/C: i currently have the belt removed (min parasetic losses) and use vents while above 55mph and windows below. in summer i'll run A/C only above 55, and if i really need it.
any questions? if you are interested in learning more, go to