The Mud Pit > Wrenching
reverse lights
I installed my reverse lights this afternoon. unfortunatly i didn't have time to wire them to the back-up light swithc, so they are currently manually on-off. weird thing was that they lit up w/o the ground connected ???
it was dark, so the pics didnt' come out well (and i was too tire/lazy to use other settings on the camera)
cool man looks like they are tight to the bumper. hope they last. as long as you dont spear the pavement with your hitch again.
the reciever hangs lower than the lights ;D
i know, you'd really have to snowplow the heck outtah them.
OBTW, dont' buy these (the $20 autoxone) for the front, they are too weak for driving at hi-way speeds with, IMO.
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