The Mud Pit > Wrenching


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I had him do the Jeep after Woody's fuc#ed it up... He's done some other stuff for me in the past. I have no problem with Jeff, but the price for an exhaust job is just a little pricey if you ask me. But he definitely does good work.

i had midias do mine, guy was a wheeler when he was younger, bronco (old school)   very nice job, did som custom stuff for me too, nothing major. lifetime warenty

i have to say that midas left a crap  ton of booger welds all over the impala and jeff fixed tham all.

got to ge the right guy i guess...  if i had it back to do all over again, i'd save the money, buy my own welder, and do it myself.  one of the 200 dollar 110 welders at homedepot or lowes would do the trick, and then you have it for future use   ;D

Rebell Bull:
If you need it just bent, woody's or carn's would work but don't let woody's weld it. I do a better job welding than woody's. But I can't touch the job that carns can do. I know nothing of midas other than it does depend on who you get.


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