Oldies but goodies on some old runs the members of the club did before/as it was becoming, a "club".
My first encounter with Hot-Rod - I kept asking "How often does he wheel"? I didn't realize then that he was
trying to get stuck

Here's Cheek-Bone's Jeep...oh wait...didn't he paint that, and it became Smurfette....which is now sitting and waiting for new owner cause Cheeks got yet
another toy LOL

Athol, MA Jamboree...where Gastank did the infamous crunching o' the windshields!

Essex Junction, VT - EC4WDA Raffle at the Jamboree aka "Trucks N Trunks" Day

A Little JT4x4 Lovin' at Rhett's Run, RI Man we run a kick butt BBQ!!

*Ahem* cutting it up at Pachuage State Forest ...JT4x4 is always good for some community work

Just something to dust off....
