Author Topic: Nutserts! Arrgh! Help! It Sucks!  (Read 5992 times)

Offline Magnum Opus

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Nutserts! Arrgh! Help! It Sucks!
« on: October 08, 2016, 12:07:00 AM »
I am totally getting my butt kicked by 10mm nutserts.  I think I might be missing something.  Like a proper tool or something.  It has to be easier than this.  I am trying to mount body cladding to the Jeep.  I have only drilled one quarter panel, and I ain't going no further till I figure this out.  Any help at all would be magical!

Offline bonecollector

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Re: Nutserts! Arrgh! Help! It Sucks!
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2016, 10:31:49 AM »
Nutserts can be a pain. I have found that even after center punching and drilling, panel alignment can be an issue. What kind of tool do you have to install them? I have this, but it is for SAE sizes.

My Rusty's door armor came with something that looks like this :
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 10:33:55 AM by bonecollector »

Offline Magnum Opus

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Re: Nutserts! Arrgh! Help! It Sucks!
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2016, 01:22:40 PM »
The one Smitty bilt is similar in design to rusties, only more cumbersome.  I ordered a metric riveter from amazon last night.  There is like 40 spots to rivet for this armor, so I am not gonna use that rinkie dink rig they sent me.  I think I looked at everything on youtube on the topic.  They make it look so easy.  So far the additional things I need to use the supplied kit is one mechanically inclined and trainable Kracken (yes an octopus or a squid does have enough arms to accomplish the task, but a Kracken has better upper body strength) and about 3 cheater bars.
    It will probably be good to have the riveter around.  Those M10 rivets are legit!  I don't think those were meant to be landed with common hand tools.

Offline calvynandhobbs

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Re: Nutserts! Arrgh! Help! It Sucks!
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2016, 03:15:50 PM »
I've seen some of the parts that required those and watched a few of the videos when I was thinking about buying those said parts. Haven't ordered anything that requires them yet, but it looks like a cumbersome process.
1994 YJ on 37s

Offline Magnum Opus

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Re: Nutserts! Arrgh! Help! It Sucks!
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2016, 01:57:07 PM »
Starting panel 2 of 4 this morning.  It is a different kind of suck with the right tool.  So far the key is patience, will power, and a good tap.  Those damn rivnuts will spin at the drop of a hat.  I think air tools would be the answer if I had to do this again, but I am pretty sure that would be a very expensive single purpose tool.  I might get one when I grow up and retire.

Offline Martel

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Re: Nutserts! Arrgh! Help! It Sucks!
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2016, 12:10:39 AM »
Are you talking about setting the nutsert itself? use a longer bolt and nut and washer. thread nut onto bolt add washer thread into nutsert all the way. insert I  appropriate hole. Counterhold the bolt and tighten the nut. it should pull the bolt and squeeze the back of the nutsert. When nut set us nice and snug loosen the nUT and remove the bolt. works on every size nutsert. I hate the tool.
If you meant something  different.....
