Author Topic: anyone tried alcan springs?  (Read 1378 times)

Offline JohnC

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anyone tried alcan springs?
« on: February 08, 2012, 01:01:34 AM »
I know most of you guys are runing coils on link suspensions, but I saw a few yj's on here so
I figured I'd ask. Any of you ever had leafs fabbed by Alcan? They are supposed to be remarkable
and better be for the price im paying. But they are being built to spec for me based on the weights
of my truck front and rear and other things I asked for. Im curious if anyone has experiance with
them and how theirs came out. So I went to my local dump yesterday to get some different weights taken on my 89k1500. I was Floored to find out my grotesquely obeese (sp?) truck weighed in at a total weight of 5,800Lbs! Amazing what all these extras add.

Offline gearhead1985B

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Re: anyone tried alcan springs?
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2012, 07:46:03 AM »
not yet i here they are nice but waggy springs are cheap
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