Author Topic: You Might Be a Jeep Owner If..........  (Read 1297 times)

Offline gearhead1985B

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You Might Be a Jeep Owner If..........
« on: May 01, 2011, 07:24:18 AM »
These are alot of "ifs" I put together from another Forum. There are 70 for the 70th Anniversary of Jeepin'

1. You buy tires 5 at a time.
2. If your UPS guy knows you by name, you might be a Jeep owner...
3. your dealer has ever refused warranty work, you might be a Jeep owner
4. Your kids ask you why our driveway (paved) is always muddy!
5. every time you look into the woods you think, We could get through that
6. Women look at your vehicle And instantly fall in love with you
7. when pulling over to let emergency vehicles go by, you use it as an excuse to go off roading.
8. you might be a jeep owner if u wave at other jeeps
9. Your turn back just to look at your Jeep after you've parked it.
10. You feel compelled to catch up to other Jeeps to evaluate their mods.
11. You don't understand why people driving other Jeeps won't wave back.
12. You don't have the funds for date night with the GF/wife, but found funds for Quadratec/4WD!
13. you take multiple laps around a parking lot looking for another Jeep to park beside
14. you take a turn going the complete opposite way you are heading just to take a look at another Jeep
15. you have almost hit the person in front of you b/c your eyes were checking out the mods of the Jeep that just passed
16. you spend 30 minutes more on the can than needed because you just received the new Quadratec catalog.
17. You think any girl in a Jeep get's an extra 3 hotness points BECAUSE they are in a Jeep
18. you keep heavy duty trash bags in your glove box for emergency seat covers.
19. You make a quick turn and your significant other shot out the door like a wet bar of soap because you used heavy duty trash bags for seat covers.
20. Your glove box is always full of drive-thru napkins in prep for the next rain fall and the top and doors start leaking
21. you park in the ditch at the high school football game just because you can
22. you consider doors optional.
23. you go to work a flex out on the big boulder in the parking lot
24. When your girl friend refers to this forum as being on "your porn site"!
25. If u stack rocks to get off more rocks!
26. your wife says, “I wish you would service me half as much as you service your Jeep."
27. you consider buying diamonds for your wife "strategy".
28. you go out of your way to park next to a stock jeep/hummer to make yours look better
29. You size up your Jeep to any other "4X4 capable" vehicle and smirk
30. If you see a scratch on your vehicle as a rite of passage rather than a hindrance
31. If after a rain your vehicle has water marks on the hood… and the dash
32. If your tiers are taller than your four year old child
33. Your understanding of the value of money is based on modifications...i.e. $500=Neoprene Seat Covers
34. if you wonder why they added chrome accents to the 2011 Jeep Wranglers
35. you don't shovel the driveway
36. your idea of shoveling the driveway is bashing the snow bank made by the plow repeatedly until it is flat
37. You grew up taking apart remote control cars just to see how they work and now you do the same thing to your jeep
38. if over half your wardrobe has the word "JEEP" on it
39. Your better half explains that the bills will take about "this much Jeep dollars" each month
40. If you feel like summer driving requires one foot to be outside the vehicle at all times.
41. If you 3 year old cries every morning as he walks past Daddy's rig because he has to ride in Mamma's car to school.
42. if you wished there was a check box labeled JEEP on your tax form under # of Dependents
43. you get lost on purpose
44. your foot slips off the clutch and you drive over another vehicle in the parking lot
45. you never can call into work about been late for weather related reason.
46. total sum of your mods adds up to more than you paid for the Jeep to start with
47. You know more about your jeep than the guys at the dealership service
48. you go outside in your bathrobe at 9:30 PM - in 25 degree cold to check the parts number on your springs
49. you've dumped close to $10 000 into a vehicle you've owned less than 2 years NOT in repairs but in Mod's
50. what brand and size of tire to buy next keep you up at night
51. the kiddies in the back seat wave first and or yell out "JEEP" first
52. you've waved to another Jeep when there was no one in it.
53. you know more about Jeep then the salesperson who sold it to you, and, you've put them in their place as required.
54. When the main reason your deployment is taking so damn long to end is because you can't wait to install all the stuff you've ordered while you were gone
55. if you look at the wife/ girlfriend thread and wonder to yourself "how am I gonna get my wife/ girlfriend to pose with my Jeep
56. When the little blond 5 yr old in the back spots a jeep a half a mile away and asks why I'm not waving....
....when that little girl gets pissed cause that jeep she saw didn’t wave back when we passed it
57. You worry about having enough clearance to park inside of your garage after installing mods
58. a jeeper cop pulls you over and doesn't give you a ticket and instead spends 20 minutes with you talking about jeeps.
59. Instead of "Slug Bug" we do "Jeep Jab”, the whole family does this!
60. you are doing mods to the vehicle while it still has the dealer plates on it.
61. You see an expansion joint or rough patch on the highway ahead - your foot instinctively comes off the gas, and your palms sweat as you increase your grip on the steering wheel because you're terrified of death wobble...
62. You might be a jeeper if you spend more money on mods than you earn in a year
63. you might be a jeep owner if... you feel compelled to park in the spots where the snow has built up, regardless if there's a closer spot
64. If the lady in the BMW in front of you at the light gives you the middle finger cause your headlights are shining in her car and she thinks your brights are on... and you decide to flip on all 9 of your hella lamps just to show her that what she thought was bright actually wasn't until now.... you may own a jeep
65. when you get excited every time you see the UPS man!
66. you schedule your vacations on the basis you can get a jeep for a rental
67. The only reason you joined Facebook was so you could be friends with all the Jeep vendors and enter their contests
68. your dead broke!
69. your friends don't understand why you're excited you had a tail wind BOTH ways on your road trip
70. YOU UNDERSTAND ALL OF THE ABOVE STATEMENTS (Not Jokes because, well some of them are kinda sad

Compiled by MurdaDock from JK-Forum
"If you can read this, Thank a Teacher, if you can read it in English, thank a SOLDIER"

Offline B52BUFF

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Re: You Might Be a Jeep Owner If..........
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 02:59:51 PM »
It's sad but I have figured out all that apply to me. ;D
I see a few of them being applicable in the near future. ::)

Offline CnoteTJ

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Re: You Might Be a Jeep Owner If..........
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2011, 01:32:15 AM »
...oh so true!  ;D  ::)
2011 Black Jeep Wrangler Rubicon
4" FT Long Arm w/ CRC link and 35" MTR/K's
Some armor and performance goodies!