Do yourself a favor. First, decide what kind of skids your going to go with. If your thinking a belly up Flat (or mostly Flat) style skid, first things first. 1" motor mount lift!!! And while your at it, spring for the 1" body lift as well. Both of these will provide the clearance you are gonna need to slap some skids on the bottom of your frame. Once you have that done, go to wal-mart and get some poster board, scissors, tape, a sharpie, and a tape measure. Measure, tape, cut, draw.... you get the idea. Label them as you go and keep them until you get the metal your going to use. Use them as templates for what you cut on the metal. My suggestion, go 1/16" thicker than what everyone suggests so that you can counter sink the mounting holes to reduce the risk of shearing of a bolt head when you drag a rock. But i'd save your money and get that thing up higher off the ground and get some bigger meats on those studs.