Author Topic: WTB - Aussie/Lock-Right/Spartan Dana 44 Locker  (Read 1310 times)

Offline Bill3753

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WTB - Aussie/Lock-Right/Spartan Dana 44 Locker
« on: November 29, 2010, 11:23:38 PM »
I'm trying to find one of these for a 30 Spline Dana 44.  I would like to get one quick.

Anyone know of a local shop in the area that might carry something like this or have one they are looking to sell?

Trying to get quick so I can install it and have it ready to go for the trail ride on the 5th.
04 TJ, HP60, 14 Bolt, 5.13's, linked, locked, on 38's and (still) in the works.

Offline Flex

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Re: WTB - Aussie/Lock-Right/Spartan Dana 44 Locker
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2010, 11:49:11 PM »
if u order it now and over night it u could have it in before the 5th
2000 XJ Sport 6.5 inch TNT Longarms, 36" IROK Radials, HP dana 30, Ford 8.8 aussie locker, 4.10s, front bumper with stinger and 9500 mile maker winch, Rock Sliders, OBA. full exo cage, chopped.
2005 F-150


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Re: WTB - Aussie/Lock-Right/Spartan Dana 44 Locker
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2010, 01:28:32 AM »
just weld the spiders no moving parts and less likely to fail and no clicking noise
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Offline Bill3753

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Re: WTB - Aussie/Lock-Right/Spartan Dana 44 Locker
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2010, 01:39:03 AM »
I thought about welding it, but I drive it on the street too and would like to be able to still do so without wearing the tires off every 5000 miles.

Nate, the overnight option is what I am looking at right now, but I just thought I would check on here to see if anyone knew where I could grab one local or within a reasonable drive to avoid the $50+ shipping (First place I talked to said it would be about that much at least).

If I order a new one, I am looking at the Yukon Spartan.  Its not one of the bigger brand lockers like the Lock-Right or Aussie, but I used Yukon gears in a 8.8 for my Mustang and beat the living crap out of it with no problems, noises, or issues what so ever.  It also comes with a new hardened cross pin and larger pins and springs then the other two.  Most say this leads to a little more noise in parking lot turns, but I am not worried about that.  It also carries good reviews from other Jeep owners.

That all being said, most people say they all operate and install about the same.  Just minor differences between the three.  If I could find one local, I would grab it and go.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 01:42:01 AM by Bill3753 »
04 TJ, HP60, 14 Bolt, 5.13's, linked, locked, on 38's and (still) in the works.

Offline Bill3753

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Re: WTB - Aussie/Lock-Right/Spartan Dana 44 Locker
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2010, 05:36:29 PM »
Well, I just said screw it and ordered a Yukon Spartan Locker and had it shipping 2nd Day air.  I should have it Thursday and have it installed by Friday.  I am excited to have it.  I will post pics of the install once I get tearing into it.  I recently installed Rocker Sliders, built an exhaust after tearing my old crap up at Deadfall, and built an oil pan/tranmission skid as well.  I will post pics of it all soon.
04 TJ, HP60, 14 Bolt, 5.13's, linked, locked, on 38's and (still) in the works.