The Mud Pit > Wrenching

Need a hand

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Hey everyone...
My Dad has a Cherokee that has been having some minor issues. An overheat issue (that may be getting taken care of this weekend), he needs an alternator installed and some other minor things. I just haven't been able to generate the time or ambition (mostly the ambition) to get on them and finish them up.
What I need is someone or even a couple of people  who want to come up and hang out and give me a hand getting his stuff done and I have a couple of things on both my Runners that need attention.. A CAT on the Turtle and a windshield washer pump and some diamond plate work on the gray runner.(hell, I don't care if 10 people want to come and hang out and pitch in...LOL)
any takers?
Let me know when you're available and I'll make sure I'm good and that I can get my Dad's truck over to my garage in Wallingford. Oh yeah... I would need a hand there, at my garage.


Talk soon,

I'm in.

I'm a normal 9 to 5er though, so weekends are best for me.

Let me know.



--- Quote from: albsvx on January 13, 2008, 06:10:49 PM ---I'm in.

I'm a normal 9 to 5er though, so weekends are best for me.

Let me know.


--- End quote ---

Yeah, me too.. more like 7-5/6/7 or later during the week. Weekends will definitely be best.
I think I'm supposed to head out and letter (put grafix on) both Scott's FJ and Jon's Toyota hood next week. Either sat or Sunday. However, I am open on whatever the other day is... in essence, I'm open both days next weekend... actually, if both Scott and Jon came up to the garage in Wallingford, I could letter their rigs and do the Cherokee and Turtle and Grey Runner work all on the same day... as long as people got there early enough.
What say ye, those who have been named and not yet named?

Talk soon,

I could probably swing Saturday for a while. Sunday is out because JD is at school and I can't chain the kids to the parking lot to keep them out of trouble. I'll mark my calender tentatively for Saturday Dave...

as far as I know, at this point, I've got nothing planned next weekend.

I'll check with the boss.


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