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Topic: What video did you watch today? (Read 107942 times)
Trail Boss
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Posts: 1281
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #225 on:
May 07, 2012, 07:18:31 PM »
That's cool! One of these days I'm gonna make it up there.
Trail Queen
Posts: 74
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #226 on:
May 07, 2012, 11:08:42 PM »
yeah it was a lot tougher than it looks. Day one it was real tough and basically everyone broke other than like 3 or 4 ppl. I broke 50 feet in. I ran it again and did fine after that but I dont have that vid. But it was the most carnage I ever saw people take in one place.
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Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #227 on:
May 08, 2012, 12:48:11 AM »
Verry impressive
. Sounds like there was alot of other events going on as you were crawling through the rock pit. Wish I could have made it to that event. Never herd of it before. How long has this event been going on for?
09 Rubi 4Dr,Compleat Heavy Duty Polly Performance skid plate system,Kilby Evap Relocation kit,Rampage front bumper,Swaybar motor flip,Clayton 3.5in lift w/steering corection kit,35in GY MTR's on 15in MB Wheels,Ace Enginering Rear Bumper W/Tire carrier,Prorock D44 Front axel,5.13s,cromo rear shafts
Trail Queen
Posts: 74
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #228 on:
May 08, 2012, 03:25:41 AM »
six years. Its pretty good but a little unorganized still. Its very much geared towards huge mud trucks. there was only three fullsize trucks to do the rocks, everything else was jeeps and yotas, and some buggies. day one there was about 50 people on the rock course. it took the entire day (10-630) to get everyone through because there was so much breakage and stucks the excavator had to keep pulling rigs off. if someone made it to the end it was a mirical. Day two there wasnt many rigs left. about twenty and we were done by about 3pm. they do classes by tire size, 33" and below, 33-37", and 37-44", then buggie class. you have ten min to complete the course and are allowed to winch and use a spotter who can stack rocks if needed. but its tough. Its a little crazy because there is a lot of other stuff going on and saftey is a bit of an issue. My tow rig got smashed pretty bad by a stray monster truck tire after it lost it on a jump. 1200Lbs of tire smashed my 2006 Chevy 2500HD and made it practically not driveable. they didnt put barricades or anything at the end of the tracks. The rockcrawlers are the red headed stepchildren and they send all of us to the end of the track to stage for the course. thats where my truck and trailer were when they got hit. I have a video of it Ill post soon. its crazy. and the place basically told me to F- Off when I approached them about insurance. Its kinda ridiculous. heres a pic I freeze framed out of my video. I litterally wanted to kill someone when i watched this happen to my truck.
Trail Boss
Trail Master
Posts: 1281
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #229 on:
May 08, 2012, 01:40:02 PM »
Holy crap!!! I thought thats a bummer hit someones truck, then you say it's yours! And THEN you say you got a video of it! Please make sure you post it. At least you weren't in the truck when it happened, and you still were able to drive it home.
Trail Queen
Posts: 74
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #230 on:
May 08, 2012, 02:36:57 PM »
well it wasnt easy but I did. And to add insult to injury on the way home on the highway (I-91 south in Hartford) I get rear ended by a drunk on a harley doing about 100 mph. He ripped one of my ramps right off my trailer which made sure it slammed into the back of my crawler first, and broke my taillight on the trailer. I was ready to put a gun to my head at that point. Then the state Police tell me they might need to impound my two trucks and my trailer! Because they thought the guy was going to die. Well Hartford hospital gave the all clear I guess and told the cops the guy looked like he was going to live and the cops allowed me to limp home thank god. I mean WTF really. I get rear ended on the highway going in a straight line?
? God its been a nightmare.
Mr Rock
Trail Master
Posts: 1571
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #231 on:
May 08, 2012, 06:23:00 PM »
Wow, that sucks, this is the kind of story you tell you granchildren and the will think you are just a crazy old man!
Save the pic's to prove them wrong, well you might still be a crazy old man but at least the story will be true!
'89, 4.2, NUTTERED, Team Rush, 4" Lift, 1" BL, 1" MML & HD shackles , Flat Belly Skid, SYE, 36 x 13.50s
XRC8, 150w KC's, Herculined, Tauras Elec Fan, Dual Batteries, Aussie in front, 8.8, TJ flares & Spool in rear, topless all of the time!
Trail Queen
Posts: 74
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #232 on:
May 08, 2012, 10:20:08 PM »
yeah really! And it just keeps getting better.....I go to pick up a loaner truck from a friend, and as Im getting it home the axleshaft breaks off and falls out of the axle tube! You cant make this $hit up. I think I need to ride a bike for the next few days.
Mudd Hog
Posts: 163
Go big or go home
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #233 on:
June 30, 2012, 07:08:58 AM »
1997 Jeep Cherokee XJ 5spd, 4in lift, locked D30/Ruff stuff diff cover, Detours back bone/JCR frame stiffeners Quadratec winch, Full exhaust, Tomken engine/tranny skid, Custom HD crossmember, Rock Hard roll cage, Rock Hard rear bumper, JCR Upper quarter gaurds with LED tail lights and 33s
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Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #234 on:
July 01, 2012, 02:16:17 PM »
Now thats amazing
09 Rubi 4Dr,Compleat Heavy Duty Polly Performance skid plate system,Kilby Evap Relocation kit,Rampage front bumper,Swaybar motor flip,Clayton 3.5in lift w/steering corection kit,35in GY MTR's on 15in MB Wheels,Ace Enginering Rear Bumper W/Tire carrier,Prorock D44 Front axel,5.13s,cromo rear shafts
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Rock Crawler
Posts: 343
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #235 on:
November 24, 2012, 01:23:33 AM »
This starts out kinda slow. Def something I wont be trying with mine.
Honorary Member
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Posts: 3087
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #236 on:
January 16, 2013, 02:15:29 PM »
Ford testing of the 2013 Raptor at the Mounds off road park in Michigan. This was a fun place and only about an hour from where I lived in Michigan.
Here's a pic of My CJ7 at the Mounds years ago. I was on 35s at the time and my son is watching the water come in.
1994 YJ on 37s
Mr Rock
Trail Master
Posts: 1571
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #237 on:
January 17, 2013, 12:06:54 AM »
That's some muddy water!
'89, 4.2, NUTTERED, Team Rush, 4" Lift, 1" BL, 1" MML & HD shackles , Flat Belly Skid, SYE, 36 x 13.50s
XRC8, 150w KC's, Herculined, Tauras Elec Fan, Dual Batteries, Aussie in front, 8.8, TJ flares & Spool in rear, topless all of the time!
Honorary Member
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Posts: 3087
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #238 on:
January 17, 2013, 03:28:27 AM »
Quote from: Mr Rock on January 17, 2013, 12:06:54 AM
That's some muddy water!
That's the place I was telling you guys about at the meeting where I got stuck and ended up with water and mud in my diff and gas tank. I had to go back through my old club's photobucket account and found pics from that day in 2006. Here's a pic of me waiting for the winch strap to be thrown to me. LOL
And here's a pic of Steve doing the Nestea plunge. I don't miss the deep water and mud at all.
Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 02:55:35 PM by calvynandhobbs
1994 YJ on 37s
Mudd Hog
Posts: 163
Go big or go home
Re: What video did you watch today?
Reply #239 on:
January 18, 2013, 04:31:19 AM »
1997 Jeep Cherokee XJ 5spd, 4in lift, locked D30/Ruff stuff diff cover, Detours back bone/JCR frame stiffeners Quadratec winch, Full exhaust, Tomken engine/tranny skid, Custom HD crossmember, Rock Hard roll cage, Rock Hard rear bumper, JCR Upper quarter gaurds with LED tail lights and 33s
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