It was great to see that JT4x4 rolled in with 12 Jeeps this year!!!! Included in the group were two guys that were brand new to JT4x4 and I hope that Chuck and Mike will be making back for a few more events. It was also great to see how many of the guys brought their kids, brothers, girlfriend, wife, friends, dogs etc...
For those that didn't make it, the rain held off most of the day, but attendance was down from last year. My guess is that there were 350 Jeeps there. The change to 3 different rock/obstacle courses was nice to see since it kept the action going. No breakage from our club, but we did see an XJ break a ball joint and a Liberty get stuck so bad they were using a bulldozer and 2 other Jeeps with winches to try and get it off. The number of vendors was down, but there was still enough temptation to spend some money. Clubs that were registered (not us) were given space inside the vendor area to advertise for their club. Next year we really should try and push to get some space in there.
Special Thanks goes out to Andy- Deuce for getting the J4x4 banner back from Jon. We had it up all day and could be seen from a ways off.