Author Topic: Mohawk caravan  (Read 5110 times)

Offline Mr Rock

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Re: Mohawk caravan
« Reply #45 on: August 28, 2009, 12:37:40 PM »
We normally run channel 10 on the CB. I've only run these trails one time, but there is a natural spring that runs water down the whole thing already so other than the rocks being a little more slippery I don't think it will be too bad. It depends on when the rain comes in, but the big puddle at the end of the trail could get a little deep.
Great, it sounds like we are gonna have some fun!

MrRock, does your CB have a jack for an external speaker?  if so, you can borrow mine once you get up there.
Yes it does, Thanks Rocket, I hook up with you when I get up there.
'89, 4.2, NUTTERED, Team Rush, 4" Lift, 1" BL, 1" MML & HD shackles , Flat Belly Skid, SYE, 36 x 13.50s
XRC8, 150w KC's, Herculined, Tauras Elec Fan, Dual Batteries, Aussie in front, 8.8, TJ flares & Spool in rear, topless all of the time!