The Mud Pit > General

Introduce Yourself!!

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she is doing good

she is not alowed in the truck with no doors but she still comes sometimes not right now though because the cold hurts here arthritis

we got a bunch of snow now you should put together a snow run  ;D

dude! i want snow badly!!!

i thought you had the half doors made up? rig looks awesome. love the exo. i'll check you later.

again welcome.

Welcome to the forum Steve. It's good to see you are already a members of EC4WDA and NTC, that means we don't have to spend a lot of time explaining till we are blue in the face about legal wheeling.


Welcome Steve! Great to see you on the forum  ;D Looking forward to catching you around the trails!


--- Quote from: Cheek-Bone on January 16, 2008, 11:17:57 AM ---Welcome to the forum Steve. It's good to see you are already a members of EC4WDA and NTC, that means we don't have to spend a lot of time explaining till we are blue in the face about legal wheeling.


--- End quote ---
legal wheeling is the only way to do it, i take pride in it


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