1st, the name is pronounced just like the kid from south park Timmy. Now on to the fun. Found a 96 GMC Jimmy with 143k, reman engine, auto power everything, for $500. The biggest problem that it had was that the drivers door pins were so worn out that the door was sagging so far, and the last owner kept using it like that that it actually tore the door sill off where the striker plate mounts. He had the door held shut with a bungee cord. So yesterday I got ambitious and replaced the broken door pin, and welded the door sill back together so that i could bolt the striker plate back on. Now I just need a 4wd switch and some noce tires and I should be all set. I'm toying with the idea of swamper tsl radials in the 215/85r15 flavor. They're almost the same size as stock and should help me get through the stocker friendly trails. Maybe a light locker in the rear. Who knows. Maybe a solid axle conversion in the future.
Here's the truck.

The door was sagging so bad, it rubbed through the paint on the rear door.

Surprisingly enough, for $6.59 at napa I was able to get the door pin kit.

I forgot to take a pic of the before on the door jam, but here's half way through the process.

It just sucks that my welder is too powerful for that light sheet metal and that I had to stitch it like that. It's not a perfect flat piece of metal, but it hold the striker on now.

I think I could have done better if I used a 110V welder instead. On #2 I was burning holes, and on #1 it was just laying surface beads. I just kept stitching it on #2 and filling the holes as I went. Would have been nice to have just been able to drop a bead and go, but hey it's just sheet metal.