Author Topic: A/C Pump Compatibility  (Read 1510 times)

Offline moosin

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A/C Pump Compatibility
« on: March 30, 2009, 01:36:57 AM »
Allright after doing some research and seeing kirks OBA setup I knew I wanted to do it. But upon more detailed research I found in typical jeep fashion nothing ever comes easily.Jeep decided it would be fun to change the a/c compressors from year to year. And when you go to the junkyard their all powerful computers will tell them that that if its not an exact year and model it will not fit. WRONG!! So here is a short list of some years that will interchange with each other. And yes their may be more but this is all the ones that were at the yard when I got there.

This is the compressor i used. The same bolt patterns can be found on 92,93,95,and 97 grand cherokees

This is a 93 grand Cherokee it has the same bolt pattern just different hose configuration so it will work.

This is a 97 grand w/v-8 and has a completely different location and bolt pattern will not work.

This compressor will fit on the brackets pictured above the dimensions are slightly different as is the compressor ,intake and discharge. They were on 91,93,94,00 regular Cherokees.

This is a 89 regular Cherokee and for some reason has a completely different compressor and mounting system .

Hopefully this list helps a little.or a least will give you a few more options when going to the junkyard and asking for a part.on some side notes these will only work as bolt ons if you have the mount for the a/c  on the passenger side of the engine up high above the alternator if you don’t have that then youll be making some mounts.


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Re: A/C Pump Compatibility
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2009, 11:06:21 PM »
what boneyard were you at that there was still snow??

Offline moosin

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Re: A/C Pump Compatibility
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2009, 02:02:37 AM »
about a month old pics.i hate posting pics lack of patience.


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Re: A/C Pump Compatibility
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2009, 02:24:45 AM »
about a month old pics.i hate posting pics lack of patience.

ah.  but it is some useful info.  thanks!

Offline calvynandhobbs

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Re: A/C Pump Compatibility
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2009, 02:39:02 AM »
I recognize the 89 XJ compressor. It looks just like the one in my 89. I plan on doing this upgrade sometime in the near future also. I just have to get some other things taken care of first once my back is in good enough shape to start lifting things and crawling around under my XJ.
1994 YJ on 37s